More information from the SBA can be found here:
Click here for SBA’s Small Business Guide to Economic Injury Disaster Loans
The Cares Act expanded the SBA’s long-standing Economic Injury Disaster Loan Program (EIDL), which includes $10,000 grants for eligible participants. The EIDL program was created to assist businesses, renters, and homeowners located in regions affected by declared disasters.
Click here for SBA’s Small Business Guide to Emergency Loans
This guide outlines the steps small businesses need to take to access much-needed Payroll Protection Program Funds. Please contact your bank or any other banks in your area that will be participating in the program. Submit your signed application to a participating bank. Starting April 3, small businesses and sole proprietorships can apply for loans. Starting April 10, independent contractors and self-employed individuals can apply for loans. There is $349 billion available to small businesses on a first-come, first-serve basis. Treasury recommends applying as soon as possible.
Click here for more info on the Employee Retention Tax Credit under the CARES Act
The CARES Act created a new employee tax credit for employers who are closed, partially closed, or experiencing significant revenue losses as a result of the coronavirus. Employers who receive a Paycheck Program loan are not eligible for this tax credit.
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